Welcome and First post...
Hello everybody!
Thanks for stopping and taking some time to read, well to hear me whine some. If you have anything interesting to say just reply any post I make, I like to hear (err read) what others think on certain situations. Anyways, lest get to the first the post.
This weekend, thought I was gonna have a good weekend guess again. Had planned to meet up with a friend of mine, still don't understand what happened. She didn't return any of my calls on saturday, hope she is doing good still waiting to hear from her.
Is it bad to show up ealry and sorta suprise someone? Well I did that, showed up on Friday since we accorded on meeting up on Saturday. Got to the Poblado and called her up to know where she was, at least I got to see her for a bit, but then after that on Saturday no answer from her. Well no answer her yet, which is what makes me think what I did wrong?
Few question, Is showing up early good or bad? Was calling her a few times on Saturday bad, when is it few times too many?
Bah, guess I'll do what I thought and talked with some friends. Forget and move on, maybe it was not meant to be...
Well, this is but the start of my blog experience. I never thought I'd be writing stuff here, but thought about it and I hope this help vent some of my thoughts and help me not go crazy. The mind plays some aweful tricks on us sometimes.
Well I'll be the first one to post on your blog weee. Anyway to answer your question it depends, you ... I mean if you call here like 11 times a day that's a bit too much you know, some people fell that things are going to fast when that happens, others don't. My point is you're starting to know this person, you will eventually do things right and other times you'll fuck up, but hey that's the whole damn point, you're geeting to know someone. Don't rush yourself, just take things slowly you know? If something is meant to happen then it will if not then hey "hay mas peces en el mar" (just don't grab a fag :-P). BTW don't take things toooo sloooowly that's bad also :-P, no me hagas un carajo de caso yo ya estoy casado jajaja :-P espera q gelo postee algo mejor. Just don't turn into a suicidal lesbian, there's one of those already ^_^, :-P.
Maybe you didn't do anything wrong.
Maybe, as Hugo says, it wasn't meant to be. There could be a dozen reasons as to why it happened this way. Maybe you scared her by saying that: "Your pants feel tight! (this is what Hugo told me!), I don't know.
Tell her to come clean with you.
You went to Cabo Rojo to spent some time with her. That is wasted time and wasted money dammit! Tell her to come up-front and be clear, concise. If she doesn't want shit with you, that's it. Te picheo bien duro for something! Cuando hables con ella dile eso.
Bueno, que hable con ella esta todavia en veremos. Por ahora pues como dije, ahi se queda todo y sigo para alante. No me ocupare en contactarla a ella, pero eso si al menos debio haberme dicho algo para yo no perder el fin de semana de esa manera. Esta noche escribo le dejo saber porque.
Y Hugo eres un sucio, sacando trapos :P. Mano sabes que eso me tiene una perse brutal y cuando me acuerdo como que me deprimo y frikeo bien duro. :X
Y cual es el plan para el fin de semana?
Asi que es verdad eso q dijiste de los pantalones?!?!?! jejejeje
me da una risa cabrona!!
Jajaja, no cabron. No es lo de los pantalones.
Bueno pues eso es lo q hay un voto unanime como la legislatura y en gobernador :-P, jajaj, coge las cosas easy. La verdad es q si te picho asi no se quizas sintio q iba todo muy rapido o algo asi no se:-/, pero fuck it. Aunque apoyo lo q Gelo dice de hablar claro, entiendes si lo q quiere es joder pues q te lo diga (una metia al año no hace daño :-P, aunque no es muy saludable tampoco jajaj :-| ), pero si quiere algo en serio pues cool tambien. Apoyo la recomendacion de Gelo de hablar claro (1 point for the suicidal lesbian). Asi q olvidese del asunto q si algo va a pasar va a pasar y punto. Anyway es tu decision, quizas ella esta esperando q te le tires encima y le muestres la razon por la cual tus pantalones se sienten apretados jajaja, o quizas se sintio muy agobiada (<- creo q esta mal escrito pero q se joda :-P ->) contigo llamandola como un fucking monchichi stalker cada 5 minutos (jajaj es tripendo por si acaso no te deprimas :-| ). El punto es q uno nunca sabe lo q piensan las mujeres lo q quieren es meter?, algo en serio?, un threesome :-P?, esa es la fucking pendeja y uno tiene q estar jugando al gato y al raton adivinando y aprendiendo de lo q hizo uno bien y mal. Y para terminar mi reply extremadamente laaaaaargo, pues no se estaba pensando tirarme a visitar el whore house q hay en Aguadilla a.k.a Gelo's place a ver q nos inventamos, playa, disco, perreo, anyone?
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