Monday, May 22, 2006

Random stuff

So bad things first, I hate to talk about this things. Not as important as the rest so I'll be quick, the Spurs lost, moving on.

So the doctors found a brain tumor in mom's head, but thank god the tumor isn't cancerous and hope is high about the surgery. I just want to get this done with since she has her first grandchild and has a lot to teach to Lydia.

On to the next bit of good news. So yeah, first time grandparents and first time uncle.
Lydia Viola Jové Kunst, 22 inches 9lbs and 2oz. She is so beautiful! From the pictures my brother has sent she looks to be awesome, all ready has an attitude. Will need to start my web site again so I can post pictures of her.

I think I plan things way too much, that could explain why I felt bad this weekend. I need to be more easy going and forget planning too much, a lot of things could've happen to my friend not answer her phone. Guess that being single has gotten to me more than I could think. Like people tell me, don't rush to things and I think in my head I sorta did this past weekend.

Wow, never thought I whined this much. Feel sorry for people the listens to me when I whine, kinda hating myself for doing it. Anyways back on subject weekend, what's going on, happening, etc? Wanting to go to the beach, any beach will do but if I haven't been to it better.


At 10:03 AM, May 24, 2006, Blogger Angel Melendez said...

Damn... that's a big one!
Algo asi sali yo, 23 pulgadas y 8 libras.


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