Friday, January 26, 2007

Rincon 2007, few days back and welcome to new reader(s)

OK, been wanting to post for some time but lazy as I am (shut up fuckers, ;-) you know who you all are ). Well first and for most, I have a new reader so she'll be kept anonymous. Anyways I'm trying to buy a new kidney's for the weekend and they need to be plastic, if you got any drop a post here. :-P

So, yearly reunion at Rincon it's gonna be great. Although this year we'll be the least single persons there. Many are going with their significant other, so Gelo we got problems, actually don't think so! Typing this at work so trying to look as if I'm actually working, but I regularly don't type anything here. I'll probably be getting busted soon.

Oh yeah, now I remember. Last Saturday got together with old high school friends, and oh my god was it a blast. Can't wait to see them again, although having the same problem. I'm kinda the only single person in that group too.

Bah, getting a bit incoherent and not making sense. Hope to post more often now, see ya'll soon!


At 3:58 PM, January 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love being anonymous! =) Thanks for sharing your blog w/ me. As far as the single thing goes - just remember the old saying The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Enjoy where you are today. Have an awesome weekend!

At 4:19 PM, January 26, 2007, Blogger Alberto said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 4:19 PM, January 26, 2007, Blogger Alberto said...

Your welcome, Ms.!

But remember, this'll be mixed up with some spanish so ask or bablefish it. :P

At 4:23 PM, January 26, 2007, Blogger Alberto said...

errr Babelfish it, damn typing this stuff at work.

At 8:31 PM, January 31, 2007, Blogger Angel Melendez said...

Learn to write and speak you foc!!!!!!! ;-)

So did you have a good time.
I guess I did but I don't know... I kind-of got bored! I think I'm hanging way too much with the wrong crowd (drunks) or something!

Anyway, laterz BIATCH!
Write often... I get bored at work too!!!! ;-)


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