Sunday, August 06, 2006


Ok, straight to the point. Looking at new movie trailers and saw this one

OMG, I hope this is good. Would be so fucking disapointing if it sucks.

Also, senseless movies and I hope that you guys that saw Super Troopers will see this one.

Well that's all for now, will update in the next few days. Been a couple of interesting days.


At 12:24 PM, August 07, 2006, Blogger Angel Melendez said...

Club Dread! :-p

Saw Final Destination 3 yesterday.
It was fun.

At 11:50 PM, August 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeeeyyyyy long live the 80's, there'a a nija turtale movie coming also, but it's not with human actors and :-( and vanilla Ice doesn't sing ninja, nija raapp, ninja, ninja raap (okay we can live this part out :-P). It's going to be completely CG, it looks like they are resurecting everything from the 80-90's, hopefully there will be an alf movie :-|. A midget alien that's furry, mmm small and furry remainds you of something gelo :-/. Talking about movies just saw this last weekend Miami Vice, that movie fucking sucks in such a way that I can't describe it. Collin Farrel sucks as an actor he sucks more than Paul Walker (which gives a decent performance in Running Scared), and Jamie Fox it's a shame that after Ray he's a completely different actor, it seems he's not selecting the right roles or something. Other than that I've been playing (warning this is gonna look gay but it's actually a pretty good game) Sonic Heroes ... yeah it's actually pretty good and difficult depending on the team you choose to play with. Haven't played it in a while since they have me "clavao"@work, that's odd right ? :-/. Working on with my swiss knife of programming Perl where my kung fu is strong :-P, doing a curses app that interacts with our DB and does an archiving process. I don't know what else to write so I'm going now ... talk to you later PERRAAASSSS!!!!

At 11:52 PM, August 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way I suck at writing blog's my grammar is horrendous (<-did I spell that right? :-/ shit ...


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