Friday, July 14, 2006

First post from YouOS

All right, a geek post but this fucking awesome. A friend of mine told me about this YouOS that runs on a web broswer. Well actually no from the browser but something like that, a web interface of an OS. Pretty sweet I have to say!

Will be using this OS for some time to see how it goes. Other than this well weekend is here, another wedding tomorrow, going to be home alone from sunday till wednesday. And a whole lot of work. Be meaning to post and always too lazy to do so, so I'll stop this non-sence post right now.


At 11:15 AM, July 18, 2006, Blogger Angel Melendez said...


Debe ser un medio leƱoso si todo es en Javascript! Se mueve bien?

At 11:55 AM, July 18, 2006, Blogger Alberto said...

Mano se mueve bastante bien. No esperes poder ver porno en buena resolucion o jugar UT2007.

Pero para cosas sencillas esta cool.


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