Monday, July 03, 2006

Long time didn't write

Well I knew this would happen that I'd forget to write stuff here. Anyways just a few updates. First and most important mom will be getting the Gamma Knife treatment in Miami, hoping things will go good so she can be back to herself. Will be home alone for about a week, so party every night at the Jové house state.

Weddings this has been the year for weddings, up till right now been to 5 and missed 2 plus I have an invitation for another wedding around the 15th of this month. Although it kinda sucks that most of my friends are getting married, meaning that less hangout time at the same time I'm happy for all of them. But for the next wedding invitations I get will request that my table is with all the single women that attend. :)

So much crap going on at work, need to vent some of my frustation somewhere. Anyone else that works with software developement goes thru this much stuff?!

So much stuff I want to write about but either forgot or work not letting me write more. Hope I'll get posting more in the future.


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