Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Apple fan boy post, you have been warned...

So yes, I'll keep this super simple. iPhone like iPod called iPod touch, will buy one as soon as I check my finance and see if I can make the purchase. The down side I guess is that only an 8gb or 16gb storage compared to the 80gb or 160gb from the iPod classic (new name). But the iPod touch has safari and you can use google and yahoo with it and comes with WiFi. I think I have a hard-on right now, yes my true colors are showing. Need to get a hold of myself and hide all that, ;-)

Anyways tonight I'll edit or add to this post.


At 4:06 PM, September 10, 2007, Blogger Angel Melendez said...

You suck!
Apple sucks!

"Look at us!!! We added touchscreen support!!!"

How about adding more compatibility, radio, recorder functions, etc.?!?!?!?!

Way to go!
Keep wasting money you bitch!

At 4:08 PM, September 10, 2007, Blogger Alberto said...

Hahaha, so tell me which mp3 player does all that? and really not trying to make fun of you I have no idea what's going on with mp3's anymore. I just like my iPod a bit too much, :-)

At 5:22 PM, September 10, 2007, Blogger Angel Melendez said...

I see.

Have you heard of Creative?!?!?!?


At 6:17 PM, September 10, 2007, Blogger Alberto said...

Yes I've heard about those, maybe you'd like to talk to Hugo about it. Unless they have improved their product line, what's so good about having other features if the player doesn't work.


At 9:53 AM, September 11, 2007, Blogger Angel Melendez said...

I'm looking at one right now and it plays everything we throw at it!
Divx, Mpeg, Avi, Mp3, Mp4, OGG, it records conversations, we can listen to radio, etc. etc. etc.

Contestaste como sendo APple cock sucker.

At 9:56 AM, September 11, 2007, Blogger Alberto said...

jeje, ya no sigo los mp3 players desde que me compre el iPod. quizas le heche un vistazo a esos, pero si no funcionan con apple se jodieron. Ya que hice el cambio y en realidad no he mirado para atras y no creo que mire para el lado hasta el momento.

Pero cool que tiene todo eso!


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