Monday, June 11, 2007

Saturday 16th of June hiking trip

Well, this coming Saturday is going to be Guanica Dry Forrest hiking trip. At least for now is good for a go. If you wish to join me, let me know post here, email me or even call me. All you need to take with you is plenty of water or favorite beverage, some snacks and anything else you can carry and think is necessary. Also remember to buy your fathers gift prior to Saturday, should you need to buy it on that day well I guess you're going shopping. After we are done there maybe we will go to la Parguera for a quick visit to buy some Sangria Coño.

Forrest opens from 8am till 5pm, tried to find a map of the forrest with the trails and all. But no luck on with that, guess I'll try later in the week but for now looks like we'll show up at the parking area and find the first trail map and follow it. Should be fun!


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