Monday, May 14, 2007

Hey all!

Been some time since I've cried or complained about something. Well been kinda busy this past week. Since mom is in Philly visiting my brother and his family, I've been taking care of dad. Been a nurse, cook, cleaning person, yard keeper, a little of everything I've been doing around the house. Been a long time since I've done anything here at home.

Kinda sad I think, with this I've been thinking "Have I been such a prick at home?". Because all I've thought is what to do once mom gets back going out, getting home late, anything to keep me off coming to my room. Sometime I still get annoyed when my parents ask for help or ask me to help them. WOW, kinda sad all this even while I read this I feel bad about being this prick I think I've become.

But with all I've been doing I think or believe I've started to change a bit. Lets see how thing go from now on...


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