Thursday, April 26, 2007

Aire para vivir

Hmmm... been thinking this past few days about my last 2 weeks. Even if things were going too fast all we needed was to slow down things. Something very easy to do, but if you need to figure out your thoughts and feelings you need the time to do so.

I hope you can figure out what you need, whether it's today tomorrow next week next month when ever. I'll be here waiting! And you'll have to see what's going on. While you figure your life out I'll be out there being me, looking at what life is putting me thru. At first I misjudged you, kinda didn't want to see or hear from you in sometime. But it was good we talked yesterday and could clear up somethings, it has made me feel better and giving me a better understanding of life and what it's to be a grown up.

Lets not stop talking, I enjoy talking with you and hanging out with you. Like you said somewhere, in a short time you became what I was looking for. And this is probably the time that we need to start taking things slower and spent time apart from each other.

You are truly a wonderful women to be around with!


At 9:29 AM, April 26, 2007, Blogger Somi said...

Me alegra que mi mensaje terminara resolviendo mejor la situacion para ambas partes...

ya te lo dije y lo seguire diciendo tu eres un hombre sumamente especial.

YO no tengo la mas remota idea de para donde va mi vida ahora mismo pero si se a quienes quiero tener cerca y tu erres una de esas personas, que yo necesito me sigan y acompanen!!

que crees te arriesgas a ser mi amigo y no dejarme ir sola?

At 10:36 AM, April 26, 2007, Blogger Somi said...

me matastes.. sin palabras he quedado

nuevamente bienvenido a mi vida!!

y yo te llamare JOve pq asi me gusta decirte y asi lo hare!!

gracias por tus hermosas palabras!!!


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