Tuesday, March 27, 2007

so many plans, so many dreams

So I hope to stop bullshitting! Wow, do I talk a lot of crap...

I'm such a dreamer, have so many plans that I'd like to accomplish and not giving myself time to do them. I kinda want to make them now! I want to travel, as well as get a new place to live or the terrain so I can build later, want to study also, bah so many things I can't remember now. So making a list as of late of this things I wish to accomplish and work from that.

At least I've started one of the many things I wanted, started making changes in my appearance. Like operated my eyes so I don't use glasses any more, gonna try to get hair cut more often and keep my eyebrows in line. Yes people I, well the barber, fixed my eyebrow so now I have normal eyebrows. :-P

Anyways at work and before they shutdown blogger with this astaro thingie gonna make this post.

Take care all!


At 11:49 AM, April 12, 2007, Blogger Big Joe said...

you did your homework...

Hope that while you are making your life's manifesto you begin to feel better... at least that's what the big and ol' ones are expecting of us...


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