Monday, March 05, 2007

My pupils are big...

Well went to my doctors apointment to get rid of my glasses, had to get some drops in my eyes that made my pupils big. Kinda look like the cat in shrek2... hehe!

nothing new really, well except that finally finished upgrading my G5 and it works great. looks like it's a new computer, kinda saving $2000 :-D So I have tomorrow off too, hope my vision is better. Wanting to play some WoW...

Before I forget, so i was told to go accompanied to the doctors because of the drops. They make you see blurry up to like a foot, but so blurry is funny and my eyes feel heavy. As i type this all i see are blurry letters...

Well gonna call it for now, have a few things I'd like to share but those will wait till I better vision so that I don't strain my current one.


At 9:04 PM, March 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

o.O it would be neat to have pics of you w/ your eyes all big like that cat!! hehe... too bad =(

At 8:02 AM, March 12, 2007, Blogger Alberto said...

i thought about that, but since I couldn't see well enough did took a chance. And askig parents would have happened anyways.

At 2:41 PM, March 12, 2007, Blogger Angel Melendez said...


At 2:48 PM, March 12, 2007, Blogger Alberto said...

doode, it was 8am. did you expect a good written post?


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