Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Computer(s) update

So i took my PC to work, the IT guy was helping me with the problems I've been having. I guess my older hard drive is failing or something, tried another HD i had with a newer M$ installation and guess what. I had no crashes in about 2 hours... Guessing it's something at the house maybe a peripheral I have installed or the electricity that could be the problem. So when I got home put the computer together and gave it another try no problems also for like 30 minutes. So i guess my PC has some chance now, guessing it felt the pressure from my G5. Bought a new HD for it and 2 GB of RAM for it, now to look for infomartion on how to do that stuff for macs. But mainly how to transfer data from one HD to the new HD, dont want to install all over and lose some settings and data.

Edit: I should've posted this when I first started writing it, it was late and I was tired. Now that I read it over I'm still keeping what I wrote originally except a typo... So I'm getting on the 21st new memory for my G5 and powerbook, looking forward on getting those so that I can check if I get some more performance out of this computers. As for my PC guess I'll be using it for a few more months but most likely will sell it to a friend. That thing make way too much noise!

Well hope something more interesting happens, finally started ediditing some videos I had put off. Retouching my brothres video and started Hugo's finally. Can't wait till to night to see how it goes with the new memory.


At 8:09 AM, February 22, 2007, Blogger Alberto said...

hmm... getting skeptical about this. Lets see what happens today...

At 7:52 AM, February 23, 2007, Blogger Alberto said...

So the problem was tat one of the items I ordered was back ordered. They got it yesterday and today it should be arraving. Woot!


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