Thursday, May 24, 2007

Google headlines

Well, if you are a user of gmail and you use it in a browser not an email client. Let me tell you are in for a treat, sporadically they link some interesting stuff. A few eeks back I posted on Quotes, well thru gmails news headline I found those quotes. As well some interesting articles and not so interesting. Like an American tourist that was walking naked in a town in Germany, that scientists have found some sharks that reproduce asexually.

But would like to comment on this article ...

Quite good to tell you the thru, well from a person that never took a course in psychology. Maybe I should send this article to some of my friends that are to get their perspectives on this. But I found it good none the less!

Article goes on to say how people change when they view their life on a 3rd person perspective and not the 1st person. And how this has help them cope with life easier, how more social they are. Going to give this a try, gonna see more of my life from a 3rd person perspective and see how I cope with what has happened. WOW, I feel better after reading this...

Anyways, back to work!


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