Saturday, June 02, 2007

First visit to El Yunque Peak

Here you'll find the pictures I took on my way to the peak.

Got to say that even going alone the trip was well worth the time and effort, I haven't done any type of exercise like this in years. Need to say no casualties happened except my shoes, they broke piece by piece look at the last picture in the album I posted. Other than that my toe got hit but not much blood came out. Going up there was great got to see some scenery that you don't see down where we actually live at, would have been better if it were a clearer day. I had some clouds with me all the way to the top! Kinda like when I went to Mt. Fuji, got to the summit and a huge cloud was with us.

Will be doing this again, so check out when I post my next trip or call me and lets setup a day to go. There are also many other trails I want to visit.

Anyways too tired to keep writing here may post something else during the week or just ask if you have a question.


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