Monday, July 02, 2007


Well! been not writing here lately, doing other stuff. Mainly playing a little too much Warcraft from what I'd like to play, but it's been fun playing a few minutes here and there. Just talking with old friends I've met in the game and such, and just running around wasting time. :-P

Hoping to see the Transformers when it's released tomorrow, should be pretty good or at least the people that made it happen indicates that it'll be good. I mean it's Michael Bay and I think Spielberg is involved too. Maybe I'll go see Die Hard tonight, kinda wanna go to the movies. Weird I might add!

Also the most important thing happening this month, going on the 12th to Philly to see my niece. I guess seeing my brother and sister-in-law is important too, but nothing more important then seeing Lydia. She looks to be big all ready since I last saw her in December, and looking forward to following her around since she is crawling and probably walking some all ready.

a little of more nonsense, kinda hoping the day goes fast as possible...


At 11:32 AM, July 06, 2007, Blogger Angel Melendez said...

Just saw Die Hard 4 yesterday!
Great stuff.

Did you see the F-35!?!?!
I am so proud!!!

At 11:37 AM, July 06, 2007, Blogger Alberto said...

hahaha, what about the F-35 you're so proud off? if you wrote any code for it, then omg the pilots are fucked! :P

We saw it on monday, and wow what an entertaining movie!

Seen Transformers yet? Saw it for the second time last night and hoping to see it again.

At 6:06 PM, July 09, 2007, Blogger Angel Melendez said...

Well... at least our fears can rest... the Eject button DOES INDEED WORK!!!! hehehehehehe


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