Thursday, January 10, 2008

And this is what I like about Computer Science

So all of you who read this blog, I'm still thinking it's only you two wiitards I mean friends :P.

Read the comments. And these too.

Take your time reading the comments from this post on /., I haven't read the article where all this started from but from what I understand from some comments it's kinda of useless really. Apparently it's the president and vice-president of AdaCore bashing Java. Well, this isn't about that article but about the comments left on /. about that article.

To my friends that I want to see succeed and become more than just code monkeys, take a look at this comments and do some training like they say. We all ready have the basics which they talk about, we just need to go back do some review and then look at what's next. I know I know, that the job market looks for some things specific. But ask yourself or your next interviewer what it'll happen to those nich markets when something better comes along. Will they go out and look for someone else, spend tons of money to train those code monkeys on what's new or hire you because it's quite easy for you to understand and grasp the knowledge and concepts of what's new? This my friends where I wish to be and will start working to get there.

Like some comments state, all the tools out there are useful. It just depends where you need to use them,
a quote: "if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail".
I like this quote very much, lets not only have a hammer as out tool(s).

See ya next time!


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