Back at home
Well, two weeks have passed and not one post in all that time. Hope you were wondering what I was up to, yeah even though I said I was going to Uruguay to work you still have to have some fun. But fun was little had to work a lot to finish the module I'm currently working at, but time wasn't on our side so we progressed some but not what we wanted or hoped. Finally got to meet some friends that I've only had contact with them over the phone so now I can put faces with voices.
About the trip, it was a blast the flight sucks but other than that it was a lot fun this past two weeks. I finally got to fly in the Boieng 777, it's so fucking impresive can't wait to see the new airbus plane. Back to the trip, ate so much meat over there that I don't want to eat anymore here. The cuts are so different and so much better there than here. I mean, go to Ruth Chris Steak House in Isla Verde and you can compare the cuts of meat. But with one huge difference, here you pay about $20 for a good piece of meat down there expect to pay $14 for the best piece of meat. It's something unbelievable!!! Oh and yes, I ate a lot think I gained about 8 lbs or so... :-S
Got a chance to see Montevideo's Night Life, well only once but it was cool. It's "La Noche de la Nostalgia" they say that when you go out that night you can bump in to your parents, and let me you it could happen. Everyone goes out that night, even the 60+ crowd. The first bar we actually went in that one the first sight was a 50 something lady dancing. Needless to say had my complementary drink and we were out of there. Anyways, imagine "Las Fiestas de la Calle" or "Las Justas" but not much security and cars can travel normally around "Ciudad Vieja" which it was the area we went to.
Well, other than work and that night not much happened. Had a good beer over there called "Zillertal", it's like a Heineken but not as stronger nor bitter. Pretty good actually! The other two I had won't even talk about them, they suck :P
Too much I could talk about but I won't here. Not feeling like wrtiting this much...