Tuesday, March 27, 2007

so many plans, so many dreams

So I hope to stop bullshitting! Wow, do I talk a lot of crap...

I'm such a dreamer, have so many plans that I'd like to accomplish and not giving myself time to do them. I kinda want to make them now! I want to travel, as well as get a new place to live or the terrain so I can build later, want to study also, bah so many things I can't remember now. So making a list as of late of this things I wish to accomplish and work from that.

At least I've started one of the many things I wanted, started making changes in my appearance. Like operated my eyes so I don't use glasses any more, gonna try to get hair cut more often and keep my eyebrows in line. Yes people I, well the barber, fixed my eyebrow so now I have normal eyebrows. :-P

Anyways at work and before they shutdown blogger with this astaro thingie gonna make this post.

Take care all!

Friday, March 23, 2007

I can see now

Well on my forth day without glasses and let me tell you, it was worth every penny. Still see a bit blurry or fuzzy sporadically but from what I've heard is normal takes about a week for the procedure to work wonders. :-)

Now I have to wait about a month before I can go to the pool or beach and do any kind of sport or contact sport. Now I need to get me a pair of sunglasses and I'm set.

Well getting late and my job is waiting on me, see ya all soon!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

more information soon

Well, had my surgery done yesterday. Soon I'll sit down and start writing more about it. Till then take care all!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

leave or stay...

This is out of no where, been thinking a lot during the day what's up with me. And I can't actually figure it out! I'm looking or wanting for a big change in my life the problem is I can't figure out what to do. Thought of getting a place for myself could help and it's probably the safest thing to do with my current situation.

But I'm wanting to do a bigger change than that, maybe go to another country and stay there and find a decent job and shit hole to live in. Maybe go to the states and try my luck there. Or even stay here but change my current job, thought of getting certified as a bartender and change jobs. Or look at short education things and just completely change jobs.

ahhh, not sure what the heck to do... all I know is I to change some!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

woot no more glasses from Monday on...

Well I made my appointment for Monday, since they called and told me they had room for me. Very excited to take off my glasses permanently, well I hope it's permanently or until I'm 60 something. Please remind me tomorrow to pick up some drops I need to start using from Thursday on some pills for after the procedure is done.

Gonna try to take a few pictures with my glasses on so I can have some good memories off them!

Well not much going on besides that lately, see ya soon...

Monday, March 12, 2007

My car

So I get to my car on friday and I see that the "Si" letter that were on the trunk aren't there. :-( yep my car got vadalized, not much but it happened. Makes sad how someone has to steal from others so just they can get what they want, just hope that what they wants gets them soon enough.

Granted I parked in a not so good area on friday, guess I didn't think clearly when I got to work. They are doing some major remodeling work in the buidling I work in, that even the parking lot is being reworked. Parked behind a lot of buses and such, guess I learned not to do that again.

Monday, March 05, 2007

My pupils are big...

Well went to my doctors apointment to get rid of my glasses, had to get some drops in my eyes that made my pupils big. Kinda look like the cat in shrek2... hehe!

nothing new really, well except that finally finished upgrading my G5 and it works great. looks like it's a new computer, kinda saving $2000 :-D So I have tomorrow off too, hope my vision is better. Wanting to play some WoW...

Before I forget, so i was told to go accompanied to the doctors because of the drops. They make you see blurry up to like a foot, but so blurry is funny and my eyes feel heavy. As i type this all i see are blurry letters...

Well gonna call it for now, have a few things I'd like to share but those will wait till I better vision so that I don't strain my current one.