Saturday, April 28, 2007

Brutal el concierto

El concierto estuvo super brutal! Al menos un artista menos que tengo que ver en concierto ahora, solo me falta Red Hot Chilli Peppers vengan y U2. Aunque U2 lo que tiene ahora es una senda porqueria y bueno RHCP no tienen gran cosa. Y prefiero los trabajos viejos de ellos cuando mezclaban mas con funk y no el rock de hoy dia. Pero que se puede hacer, es algo bastante bueno y chevere para escuchar.

Jajaja, hablando de otras bandas y no del concierto de anoche. Bueno nos sentamos en general en el area mas vacia que encontramos. Ya que solo fuimos por escuchar la musica y la verdad que el tipo esta pasao. Tiro un repertorio super chevere aunque si hubiese tocado mas musica de Bocanada hubiese sido mejor. Pero que va ser eso, ya tour paso!

En fin la noche estuvo buena, pero pudo haber sido mejor...

Friday, April 27, 2007

Woohoo, finally a concert

Well at last I go to my first concert here in Puerto Rico. Even tho this is the second time Cerati comes here in the same tour, hope is good! Going with Carlo and we will be helping to change light bulbs up in the roof. I really don't care to sit close to see him just want to listen to the music and how good he is live. Hope is worth the $35 I'm going to spend!

PS. Got busted typing this post by my boss! Hahaha...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Aire para vivir

Hmmm... been thinking this past few days about my last 2 weeks. Even if things were going too fast all we needed was to slow down things. Something very easy to do, but if you need to figure out your thoughts and feelings you need the time to do so.

I hope you can figure out what you need, whether it's today tomorrow next week next month when ever. I'll be here waiting! And you'll have to see what's going on. While you figure your life out I'll be out there being me, looking at what life is putting me thru. At first I misjudged you, kinda didn't want to see or hear from you in sometime. But it was good we talked yesterday and could clear up somethings, it has made me feel better and giving me a better understanding of life and what it's to be a grown up.

Lets not stop talking, I enjoy talking with you and hanging out with you. Like you said somewhere, in a short time you became what I was looking for. And this is probably the time that we need to start taking things slower and spent time apart from each other.

You are truly a wonderful women to be around with!

Monday, April 23, 2007

can't hold it

well, got to say it. Even if I tried not to get pissed about it need to get it off my chest. Fucking sucked getting played like that! But has to happen to learn about situations like that.

This helps a bit!

Back in the game... again

Well even if it was short lived it was all good. Guess it was not meant to be or maybe in a different way, maybe even not yet... Time will tells what's going on and what will happen, only it really know. Looking to the future with a better understanding of myself and how the world turns. Changes I need to do in my life, either good or bad not sure.

Thanks Sonia! it was good times we spent together.

Now to the official announcement, Game on!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Still at the hospital... not anymore

Dad is still at the hospital, damn hemoglobin hasn't gone up to a good level yet. :-(

Has me worried that he still is in the hospital and that I could have a similar problem, I even went as far and told my brother to actually check his hemoglobin levels as I have to do the same. Anyone knows of a good doctor to visit, looking for one...

On a different subject I'm so fucking sleepy today, every time I sit in front of my pewter I just fall asleep. Damn waking up at 5:15am everyday this past week.

Anyways, back to work... i mean sleep...

Update: Released at 4pm today, woohoo!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

Well, in a few hours I'll be 27! Yes shortly after 1pm, this is looking to be a good birthday.

Dad is in the hospital, had a full replacement knee procedure done yesterday. He is doing good now and should be out tomorrow we hope. Only problem he has is low Hemoglobin and told him to work on that now. I'm going to do some tests for this too and work on it for me. Since I talked with an aunt of mine and she told me she has low Hemoglobin and my grandma had low Hemoglobin too. So I'm gonna go and check myself.

On another subject and a bit more happier, things are going good with my friend Sonia. We are both a bit scared on how things are going, but we'll just enjoy the time we spend together. Anyways, wanting to see her soon! just another hour or so for lunch.

Back to work I guess...

Monday, April 16, 2007

so yeah... hmmm...

Need to clarify some stuff first... She said something last night over the phone that needs to be addressed. but it's nothing bad, just something to get things out in the open and everyone can understand each other.

Looking good so far... :-D

Saturday, April 14, 2007

short game?

so, yeah! i think this could be called the shortest game ever...

Keep tuned in...

Edit: hmmm... some talking needs to be done.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Back in the game...

So last night I can officially say I was on my first date in a couple of months. But comparing to the previous I had this one was much better. I had a good time and so did she, got a text message on the cell saying she did. Think I'm starting to get a crush on her, :-S.

Need to remember not to do that so fast, I usually get a crush on a girl a bit too early to find that it's just me feeling that way. But hoping not to do that, need to call up the other girls I've met and some that friends are trying to get me to know.

Well haven't thought out this post enough so I'll end it a bit fast. But one last thing, so before she went to bed she called me up I was in the computer checking on my finances and stuff. But my cell is in vibrate mode so I didn't get to hear and specially nice I had my headphones on. She then sent me a text message saying she had a good time. Thought of calling back but know she likes to go to bed early and I didn't want to talk anymore than I've all ready done. Was it ok just to do that or should've I call back? Gonna call her today anyways, but I don't want to be calling nor be talking way too much. I hate to see that I get bored with her, specially since I'm starting that crush I mentioned.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Software Engineering Proverbs

OK, so I had a doctors appointment today so I missed a meeting at the office. So I'm browsing for information regarding Software Quality Assurance (SQA) and came upon these proverbs. Read some of them and liked it that I'm sharing the link to them, guess everyone should understand this. Most of my readers are in the software development field.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

a little whinning

Ok, so maybe not the best way to meet girls. But been trying the online thing and met a few girls I'm interested in meeting. So last night was the first I was to meet, well either i was drunk all ready or she didn't understand me. I said where i was and understood halve of what I said. Which it sucked, was looking forward to this for some time now.

Well guess it wasn't meant to be, looking forward to Wednesday hoping to meet this other girl I meet online. Maybe I should stop this none sense of online and just work the courage when ever I see a girl I like to meet and hang out.

Well, I need to call one up from last wednesday. Still not sure how to keep going the conversation once I started it, :-S. Then there might be another from Thursday a friend of mine started talking me about.

Hmmmm... Hope I get to see some changes in me been looking all right for now.

Well, not much sense after drinking. Just wanted to whine about last night that didn't happen. Fuck her I guess!