Expenses and more of them
So yeah, I've been trying to save some money and all that for a few plans I've got. But yeah right I'm doing such thing, went to the mall with my mom on Saturday passed by the Bose store to check on maintenance for my QuietComfort 2 and well. Saw the speakers I've been wanting for a few years now and they were on sale and well... They are fucking awesome! I haven't heard anything quite like it in some time now.
So other than that everything is good for the moment, need to make an appointment to see the Department Head of the CS program at the Polytenic University here in PR. Thinking of going back to school and that is one of my choices, think I might apply there since it's something different than R.U.M. and I wouldn't have to spend much money in apartment and gasoline. But I first need some questions answered before heading out to a university. Need to review the deadline dates for both places and start doing the applications and finding a professor to sponsor me on one of his research.
Anyways, just a quick update on what's going on. Hope to write a bit more often!