Who the hell thought of this thing called money and worst yet who made it that we depend on it so fucking much?
Here is my small rant...
Well the best thing at the moment, I'm starting a new relationship some of you guys met her. And she is wonderful and awesome! The only bad thing at the moment is that she is in Venezuela, so yes a long distance relationship for the moment still. ;)
So looking at airfares so that we can see each other on a more regular basis, well first thought lets find cheap fares and fly there. Well not so cheap, at least for the moment, the cheapest for me was Miami but for her would be around $780. And this is only the airfare, so we check the Dominican Republic about $500 each, also Aruba about $500 each. So what's cheap about all this nothing. And we aren't adding hotels and food, which should make the trip like what a little over $1k each. Fuck this is too much!
But thank god one of us is smart, and it's not me, she tells me it'll be cheaper if you fly to Vzla or I fly to PR. Only 1 flight ticket and we can stay at each others place so no hotel. And we help each other with the fare, so a $500 fare goes down to a $350 fare and no hotel and less money on food. This is the best plan for now as far as seeing each other on a more regular basis, YAY!
Well, I also need to add that I want my own apartment. I mean a $25k as down payment is good, I can get an apartment and just pay over $800 or so a month for it. So I need to act fast before all the money the government is giving away runs dry. Another thing that's coming to hurt my bank account is the damn car insurance, that'll blow donkey balls. And all the toys I want media center, wii games, digital camara. Shit I need to get a better paying job or go to the 18th stop in Santurce and see if I can sell myself. Oh, almost forgot school I have registration this week and that's another $800 at least.
Anyways, back to work for me I think. Thanks for reading incoherent posts like mine.