So, been thinking a little bit too much lately. And I think I've found why I've been feeling odd lately, like I've been paying too much attetion to what others think of me. First time this has ever happened to me, I've never paed any attention to what others think of me. Is it normal to wonder what other think about me? Should I even let others opinion about me get me like this...
You guys will remember me with my nice helmet of hair and not caring what people thought. Think it's not the same anymore! For one, why would I feel bad when I go out with some of my friends? Is it because I'm single and most of my friends have girlfriends or wifes. Why should this make going out any different than if they were single?
But one thing I saw in myself this weekend is that I'm taking life way to seriously lately, also have been trying to plan my future way too much. One thing I learned two years ago was just that, to take life easy and live one day at a time.
If you didn't knew, I had an accident with my car. It wasn't too mucho but since the car is kinda new and parts had to be ordered. Should be getting it back around wednesdat at the latest, woot finaly been driving my dad suv starting to forget how to shift gears :P. One thing I knew and now can asure of not doing again, is having another car accident. Sucks a lot all this time I haven't had my car, 1) miss it a lot and 2) missing out on some good hang outs.
But, one thing is for sure. I hope that I can change a little bit, need to be more assertive in myself and let the time roll. Can't be thinking of what'll be like in the next few months.
Too much ranting about my personal life, guess I've wanted to get some of it off my chest.
Back to living, thinking of organizing a trip to the beach next saturday. For now the plan is to go to Luquillo then El Yunque, should be fun and I need to remember to send the email tomorrow. Also on payday it's gonna be Sushi night o maybe even kareoke night, so everyone is invited to go. Sushi will be at Canvas in San Juan, been wanting to go there since my birthday. Kareoke, no clue where so ideas welcome.
Gonna log off for now, hope that most of the new posts will be something other than personal stuff.