Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Internet Radio

Yep, Internet Radio is probably gonna go down the drain. The US Congress is trying to get more money off the broadcasters, I haven't followed completely the whole deal and what's going on. If you wish to know more just type "Day of Silence On the Internet" in google, you'll find all you can there. Now back to the topic before I really take another route.

If you haven't been to Pandora visit it, it's an awesome project. Look for a song or artist and let service play the rest of the music, you'll be amazed with the new artists you'll discover that you would never listen to. I heard of this project a couple of months back and today I was reminded about it. Received an email from them reminding me a Red Hot Chilli Peppers station I created.

Well, I hadn't posted anything lately and felt like wasting some time. Now back to work!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What will mean being a Human?

So, browsing around reading a bit before starting to do my things at work I find this article. WOW just WOW, creating artificial life? What will it mean to be a Human? Will races bind together, no more asian, american, european, african, etc etc? Will it be Human vs whatever we decide to create, the future wars, competition, whatever else you think off?

I think this is just great there will be good things that will come out of this type of research and development. But like all good things there are bad things that will come with it. Guess time will teach us how to understand this new things that are being created every day.

Anyways, wanted to write about something since I haven't written in some days.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Guanica's Dry Forest

Damn was it dry, was a cool hike even though we just did probably 1/10th of the place. This time I didn't go alone went with Carlo and Meyla, funny story actually. They needed a cooler, one of the small ones you take to the beach or any get together and anyones home with stuff. So we stopped at WalMart in Coamo or Santa Isabel, the cooler went for the ride. we forgot to buy the ice and water since that was one of the main reasons to buy it. lol

We went to the forest on the 334 road got to the parking area and started to walk from there. First we see the picnic area, nice place to go and have some fun and grill for a few hours. Then we get to see a small building has a very small museum and a nice view of the bay or the area looking towards the beach. After I see that I get excited to find a good spot to see that view again with no trees or less trees in front of me. Well didn't take many pictures as you will see when I upload them, didn't get to see that view I was hoping for. Well not on the trails we went on, hoping that the other trails have better views which I'm thinking of going back there some what soon.

Later tonight or tomorrow I'll have the pictures on the net.

EDIT: Here is the link for the pictures.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

LIVING IN 2007 or a couple of years back... your call!

Ok, so this isn't as it's suppose to go. But I don't want to forward this email, if you happen to receive it by others means cool. Most of you have :P, any ways this are probably dead on for people that work in the Tech business err mainly computers. ;-) But if you happen to identify with any of this then Welcome!

Subject: Living in 200 7


1. You accidentally enter your password on the microwave.

2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.

3. You have a list of 15 phone numbers to reach your family of 3.

4. You e-mail the person who works at the desk next to you.

5. Your reason for not staying in touch with friends and family is that they don't have e-mail addresses.

6. You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries.

7. Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen.

8. Leaving the house without your cell phone, which you didn't have the first 20 or 30 (or 60) years of your life, is now a cause for panic and you turn around to go and get it.

10. You get up in the morning and go on line before getting your coffee.

11. You start tilting your head sideways to smile.
: )

12. You're reading this and nodding and laughing.

13. Even worse, you know exactly to whom you are going to forward this message.

14. You are too busy to notice there was no #9 on this list.

15. You actually scrolled back up to check that there wasn't a #9 on this list

AND NOW U R LAUGHING at yourself.

Go on, forward this to your friends.

You know you want to.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Saturday 16th of June hiking trip

Well, this coming Saturday is going to be Guanica Dry Forrest hiking trip. At least for now is good for a go. If you wish to join me, let me know post here, email me or even call me. All you need to take with you is plenty of water or favorite beverage, some snacks and anything else you can carry and think is necessary. Also remember to buy your fathers gift prior to Saturday, should you need to buy it on that day well I guess you're going shopping. After we are done there maybe we will go to la Parguera for a quick visit to buy some Sangria Coño.

Forrest opens from 8am till 5pm, tried to find a map of the forrest with the trails and all. But no luck on with that, guess I'll try later in the week but for now looks like we'll show up at the parking area and find the first trail map and follow it. Should be fun!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Whiskey and funny exam answers

So, lately it's has been my choice of drink. A good Johnny Walker on the rocks, finally getting used to it. But a good Jack Daniels and diet coke or regular coke for that matter also hits a good spot.

But check this out, if any of you wants to buy me a present consider any of these. I'll sure be grateful to you for the rest of your life and after life. ;-)

OK, so I'm editing this post don't want to create another just for this. But I read this at a forum I visit every other day and I was laughing so much I had to share this. Well since most people who reads this are geeks they'll remember some college moments as they look at the images. Enjoy!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Heineken Jazz Fest

WOW, for a first time listener it was great going to the Jazz Fest. At least got the chance to see and listen Arturo Sandoval and it was great. Granted I don't know much of the Latin Jazz genre but none the less it brought me to look for more music in that genre. Know of any other artists let me know the names to look for their music and give it a listen.

For next year the plan is going on Saturday to see a Big Band, at least is what my friend Joe is recommending. Oh yeah, opps... I went with my friend Jose Rafael or Joe to the Jazz Fest, was cool to go with him since he is the one that has given me some Humberto Ramirez to start my education in that genre. We need to find more Latin Jazz stuff Joe.

Well, this week is looking to be more tranquil at least for now. But always open for invitations, suggestions. This Saturday still undecided if I'm going to "El Bosque Seco de Guanica" or to an event mom told me about in San Juan. Something with chefs and lots to eats. Will be looking into it and post here.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

First visit to El Yunque Peak

Here you'll find the pictures I took on my way to the peak.

Got to say that even going alone the trip was well worth the time and effort, I haven't done any type of exercise like this in years. Need to say no casualties happened except my shoes, they broke piece by piece look at the last picture in the album I posted. Other than that my toe got hit but not much blood came out. Going up there was great got to see some scenery that you don't see down where we actually live at, would have been better if it were a clearer day. I had some clouds with me all the way to the top! Kinda like when I went to Mt. Fuji, got to the summit and a huge cloud was with us.

Will be doing this again, so check out when I post my next trip or call me and lets setup a day to go. There are also many other trails I want to visit.

Anyways too tired to keep writing here may post something else during the week or just ask if you have a question.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Fiestas Patronales

Bueno, ya fueron mas de unos 15 años mas o menos desde la ultima vez que alguna fiesta patronal y mas especifico las de Carolina. Fuimos a ver al Gran Combo de Puerto Rico y que buen show hicieron, lo que me falta ahora es aprender a bailar la salsa para disfrutarlo mas.

Que mucho jodieron en la oficina con que tuviera cuidado, se que hoy dia esas fiestas tienen mas problemas que cosas buenas. Pero todo anduvo super bien y tranquilo! Mucho recuerdos de esa area de Carolina ya que fue por donde estudia, 9 años han pasado desde que me fui de alli. Pero wow que cambio ha dado esa area y que mucho recuerdos me trajo!

La pase super bien en buena compañia y fue algo totalmente diferente. Algo que buscaba, recuerden este sabado el Yunque. Buscando ruta que lleve al punto mas alto accesible, si quieren ir me dejan saber.